Bloomin Lovely - Blackburns best florist!
Flowers for all occasions
Valentines Day
Wedding flowers
Funeral flowers
More flowers for all occasions
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Order your flowers today
Please fill in the name and address of the person the flowers are been delivered to.
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Name and Address of the person the flowers are been delivered to
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Zip Code
I would like to order
Flowers in Water £30
Flowers in Water £40
Flowers in Water £50
Bouquet in Cellophane £30
Bouquet in Cellophane £40
Bouquet in Cellophane £50
Bouquet in Cellophane £75
Bouquet in Cellophane £100
1 dozen red roses £35
Delivery Date and Card Message
To pay on-line please enter your Credit Card Number, expiry date, and last 3 digits on the signature strip. Or if you prefer you can Phone the shop on 01254 248722 to pay by credit card over the phone.
Any special colour requirements. or additional items like chocolates, balloons or teddies please enter below. Please also enter your contact details, for example telephone number or e-mail address in case we need to contact you.THANK YOU FOR YOUR ORDER.